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Commencement Details

Important information for staff and faculty members

Commencement Weekend Schedule

Here is the volunteer schedule for the entire weekend. All times listed below are in Eastern Time.




Volunteer Information & Assignments

Understand volunteer expectations and assignments by reviewing the information in this section.
If you have any questions, please reach out to Taylor Ingles.

If you have any questions about hotel room assignments for commencement, please reach out to Taylor Ingles

Volunteer Assignments

Find your volunteer group and assignment by consulting the dropdowns below.
For full details on each group’s responsibilities, please consult the volunteer training presentation.

Group Leads & Overview

Individual Group Assignments

Platform Party


Platform Party/Ceremony Support



Graduation Registration

Brand Booth

Photo Booth

Graduate Line-up

Lobby Greeter

Graduate Support and Questions

Production Support

Runners and Floaters

Graduate FAQs

Here are answers to some of the most common questions we get from graduates and their guests during commencement.
If you are unsure how to answer a question, defer to your team lead. 

Where is the restroom, elevator, stairs, etc.?

Where is graduate registration/check-in?

How do I share my celebration on social media?

Where is graduate line-up?

Where should graduates leave their things?

Where can I get a program?

How do I wear my regalia?

Can I leave the ceremony early?

When will I receive my professional headshots?

Are there ADA accommodations?

What is the link to the livestream so I can share with family that could not be here?

What should graduates do before the ceremony starts?

Venue Overview and Maps

Commencement will once again be held at the Murat Theater at the Old National Centre located in Indianapolis, Indiana. It’s highly recommended that you familiarize yourself with the venue before commencement by taking a 3D venue tour. 

Outside View

This is an aerial view of the Old National Centre. The main entrance is highlighted, where graduates and their guests will enter. The volunteer limo bus that will run from the hotel to the venue will run against Michigan Street. View the larger map here.


Ground Floor

This is the overall floorplan for the ground floor of Old National Centre, where the lobby and the main Murat Theater entrance are located. 


Second Floor

This is the overall floorplan for the second floor of Old National Centre, where the Egyptian Room and graduate registration are located. 


Murat Theater & Dressing Rooms

This is a layout of the Murat Theater in relation to the Egyptian Room. This shows how graduates will transition from the graduate line-up area to the auditorium for each ceremony. 

Screenshot 2023-07-05 at 11.32.51 AM

Murat Theater Seating

This is a layout of seating available in the Murat Theater, both ground (top half of image) and second (bottom half of image) floors, including the seat count for the first several rows. 

Screenshot 2023-07-05 at 11.34.18 AM


Find your volunteer group and assignment by consulting the dropdowns below. For full details on each group’s responsibilities, please consult the volunteer training presentation. 

Thursday, July 27th

Friday, July 28th

Saturday, July 29th

Commencement Scripts

Below, you will find links to details and scripts for both the Morning Ed.D Ceremony and Afternoon Full Ceremony.
If you have any questions, please reach out to William Liu.

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