American College of Education Results

About ACE

Founded in 2005 and headquartered in Indianapolis, American College of Education is an accredited, completely online college specializing in affordable programs in education, leadership, business, healthcare and nursing. ACE offers more than 70 programs for adult students to pursue doctorate, master’s or bachelor’s degrees, along with micro-credentials and graduate-level certificate programs.


To deliver high-quality, affordable and accessible online programs grounded in evidence-based content and relevant application, preparing graduates to serve, lead, and achieve personal and professional goals in diverse, evolving communities.


To be a significant leader in higher education by providing high-value, innovative, and impactful programs to its chosen markets. By unapologetically breaking perceived links between cost of tuition and quality of programing, the College will prepare today’s students to be tomorrow’s global leaders.

Core Values

American College of Education has established a set of core values which are foundational for our culture. They are our fundamental beliefs which underlie how we work and interact. They describe who we are at our core: Passion, Innovation, Social Responsibility and Integrity.

We currently have more than 7,000 students enrolled in all 50 states, more than 27,000 alumni and are the No. 3 conferrer of Master of Education degrees in the country.

Key Dates

Founded in Illinois
Graduates first students
Receives approval to offer all programs online
Adds first educational specialist and doctorate degrees
Receives TEAC/CAEP accreditation
Expands into healthcare with M.Ed. in Health and Wellness Education
Becomes a Certified B Corporation
Expansion into nursing with the RN to MSN program
Nursing program earns CCNE accreditation
Expands into business with M.B.A. in Social Impact
Named a Best Place to Work in Indiana for 5th consecutive year
Named a Best Place to Work in Indiana for 6th consecutive year

ACE is accredited by the Higher Learning Commission

We are also accredited, certified and nationally recognized by

Accolades and Awards

Key Ways We Made a Difference in 2022


individual civic hours


raised for Indianapolis-area teachers to provide school supplies


impact score in 2022 increasing from 88.6 in 2019


raised for education and research to fight heart disease and strokes


backpacks filled with school supplies for Orlando-area students


trees planted in partnership with Texas Tree Foundation

Source: American College of Education 2020 Impact Report

Student Satisfaction

Across all programs, students expressed high levels of satisfaction.

I am satisfied with my experience at ACE thus far:


Student Satisfaction Certificate
Agree or Strongly Agree 2020 Student Satisfaction Survey, N=31


Student Satisfaction Bachelor
Agree or Strongly Agree 2020 Student Satisfaction Survey, N=9

Doctoral / Specialist

Student Satisfaction Doctorate
Agree or Strongly Agree 2020 Student Satisfaction Survey, N=334


Student Satisfaction Master
Agree or Strongly Agree 2020 Student Satisfaction Survey, N=913

Source: ACE college systems, Office of Institutional Analytics, 2020 Student Satisfaction Survey

“It was like [the classes] were designed for me personally. I liked the structure of them; I liked the way teachers gave feedback. I attended [a different] online college and all we did was work, work, work, but nothing was really applicable or practical. At ACE, our assignments are geared to provide application right now.”

Ed.S. in Leadership 2016, Ed.D. in Leadership 2020

Improvement in
Professional Skills

My professional skills are stronger because of my participation in this program


Agree or Strongly Agree 2020 Grad Exit Survey, N=2,796

Preparedness for Job

I believe my program effectively prepared me for the responsibilities I face in my job


Agree or Strongly Agree 2020 Grad Exit Survey, N=2,792

Overall Satisfaction with Program Learning Experiences

I am satisfied with my learning experience in this program


Agree or Strongly Agree 2020 Grad Exit Survey, N=2,792

Source: ACE college systems, Office of Institutional Analytics, 2020 Graduate Exit Survey

Enrollment Facts

Since beginning with 27 students in 2005, ACE has shown consistent growth (except for a brief downturn in 2013 and 2014). Even as disruption dominated in 2020, the college’s enrollment growth accelerated. Active enrollments increased by more than 18 percent, with YTD new student growth up more than 25 percent, marking ACE’s largest active student growth rate since 2016.

Annual Retention Rate by Degree Level











Source: ACE college systems, Office of Institutional Analytics.
Note: Students enrolled in a micro-credential program are reported in the certificate count.

Completion and Pass Rates

American College of Education calculates an annual cumulative completion rate, rather than a graduation rate. A graduation rate is usually used to describe first-time, full-time college freshman. As a college that mainly serves working adults, we calculate a completion rate. ACE defines a completion rate as the number of students graduating in each program and degree level, using expected time to completion for their program.


The following represents a comparison of ACE pass rates and the average state pass rate as provided by the identified state where ACE is listed as a State Department of Education approved and recognized Education Program Preparation Provider. American College of Education’s goal, as stated in the Strategic Plan, is to “beat” the state averages in each state where a program leads to licensure.

Source: 2020 Pearson Integrated


At American College of Education, our goal is to provide each of our students with a quality online education at an affordable price. So it really means something to us when we are recognized for achieving — and often exceeding — that goal. These awards, rankings, accolades and academic honors illustrate an important piece of what makes us proud to be ACE, though our true success will always be the satisfaction and achievements of our students and alumni.

3 3
  • in the nation for most master’s degrees awarded in education.
  • in the nation for most Master’s of Education degrees conferred in Teaching, Specific Subject Areas (CIP 13.13)1 and Curriculum and Instruction (CIP 13.03)2
1 1
  • in the nation for most Master’s of Education degrees conferred in Educational Administration and Supervision (CIP 13.04)3 and Bilingual Education* (CIP 13.02)4
2 2
  • in the nation for most Master’s of Education degrees conferred in Educational and Instructional Media Design (CIP 13.02)5
  1. Includes the following programs: M.Ed. in Health and Wellness Education, M.Ed. in Literacy, M.Ed. in Advanced Studies, and M.Ed. in STEM Education
  2. Includes the following programs: M.Ed. in Curriculum and Instruction and M.Ed. in Integrated Curriculum
  3. Includes the following programs: M.Ed. in Educational Leadership, M.Ed. in Teacher Leadership, M.Ed. in Higher Education, and M.Ed. in Educational Business Administration
  4. Includes the following programs: M.Ed. in ESL/BL and M.Ed. in Teaching English Learners
  5. Includes the following programs: M.Ed. in Educational Technology and M.Ed. in Instructional Design


Third-Party Rankings, Recognitions, and Awards

  • #2 Top Online College – Newsweek
  • Top 20 Best Online Universities for 2022
    Two ACE Programs Named on
  • Top 50 Best Master’s Programs
    Two ACE Programs Named on
  • Best Places to Work in Indiana
    2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021,2022
  • #1 Top Online Program
    2019 Top Online Program for Working Professionals
  • Top Master’s in Secondary Education
    Named to 2019 Top Master’s in Secondary Education
  • Best Value School
    University Research and Review, LLC
  • ISTE Recognition for M.Ed. in Technology
    International Society for Technology in Education
  • Finalist for M.Ed. in STEM Education
    EdTech Awards 2021
  • Top 10 Doctorate Program
    ACE Doctorate of Education in Leadership Program by

Media Resources

About ACE

Our history and mission


Meet our Board of Trustees

Being a B Corp

How we make the world better


Our students, in their own words

By the Numbers

The data behind our success

Enrollment Growth

How much we’ve grown since 2005

Brand Guide

Our brand book is your guide for all things related to American College of Education.

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